eCloud Marketplace is a collection of images of base OS’ or ones that contain pre-loaded software to reduce the time for you to get started.
How does the marketplace work?¶
The images are created and managed by ANS, so you don’t have to worry doing this yourself, you can use the marketplace to find the image you need and then launch from there. Each of the images in the catalogue contain a synopsis on what the image is to help you identify which image is right for your solution.
How to create a Marketplace Instance¶
To find the image you need, either use the search bar or manually search through the images to find the image you need, if you hover over the card it should show two buttons, one to launch and the other to show you more details (which you can also then launch from if you’re happy).
Once you’ve hit the launch button you will be shown the launch instance page, the only difference from this point on is the image at the top of the page is show that it is from the
See Instance deletion for deleting the instances launched from marketplace