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How Ready for AI are UK Businesses?

A report into the barriers to AI adoption and the preparedness of the workforce to embrace AI technologies. 

Our key findings

ANS, in partnership with YouGov, surveyed 1,000 IT decision-makers in the UK to gauge the current state of AI readiness and adoption across various sectors and organisational sizes. 

  1. 52% of IT decision makers said that less than 5% of budget is allocated towards AI technologies.
  2. 39% have not yet started considering AI
  3. Lack of expertise, cost and uncertain ROI are the top three barriers to AI adoption.
Get AI Ready

Read the full report

Fill in the form to get access to our full findings, including the key barriers to AI adoption, how organisations are readying their workforces for AI, and the concerns many have towards use of AI.

What will you learn from this report? 

The disparities in AI adoption and investment across businesses of different sizes

The impact of boardroom discussions on AI strategy

Barriers to AI readiness and workforce preparedness

How the propensity to adopt AI differs between generations

How attitudes towards AI differ across multiple industries, including healthcare, financial services, legal, IT & telecoms, and education