Migration to Microsoft Azure gives us ‘the scalability we need to grow’

“ANS supports T cards direct to develop online platform”
T Cards Direct manufactures visual planning boards to enable businesses run more efficiently. Ten years ago the company created a digital version, creating software to mimic the simplicity of the manual system. T Cards Online, which now has more than 1000 users per day, allows multiple users to have quick access to the information they need, wherever they are in the world.
Azure under the bonnet:
The Azure deployment is orchestrated using ARM templates (IaC), with Azure DevOps as a pipeline tool and back-ups stored in the paired region.
ANS have become an extension of our technical team. They fully understand our business and what we are trying to achieve.
Philip Heine
Partner at T Cards Direct
T Cards Direct

The Challenge
T Cards Direct wanted to move its online system to a cloud-based solution. The business is growing 10-20% year-on-year and wanted to benefit from a secure and scalable solution. It is important for T Cards Direct to receive exemplary service and support from a UK-based hosting provider.

The Solution
ANS migrated T Cards Direct to its fully-managed Microsoft Azure solution to harness increased efficiency and availability. ANS worked alongside T Cards Direct to design and build a bespoke solution to best suit the business’ needs. The solution allows the team at T Cards Direct to focus on innovation by enabling them to spin up and test a mirror-image beta system.
It was fairly straight forward, but there were a few teething problems in the early days. ANS really stepped up and did all they could to remedy the issues. For me that is the sign of a good supplier; when times are tough they roll their sleeves up, crack on and get it sorted
Philip Heine
T Cards Direct
Customer Stories.

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