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Mission Critical Software Services for UK Police Force



ANS has partnered with a large systems integrator who are a global leader in public sector software. The company provides a suite of software applications for the public services sector designed to help their customers to be more responsive, efficient, innovative and deliver better outcomes for citizens.

The Challenge

Our client delivers an operational Case Management and Investigation System to several Police Constabularies in support of the Home Office. Concerns with the current hosting provider were becoming increasingly more serious exceeding the risk appetite for a service of national critical importance where availability and assurance are essential. To mitigate this risk, the Home Office asked our client to seek an alternative service provider.

Due to the sensitive nature of the data involved, one of the key requirements of the service was for it be hosted within a registered secure Police Assured Server Facility (PASF) and to have connectivity to the Public Services Network (PSN).

The focus was to find a strategic partner who could also guarantee stability, assurance, and support

Timing was also very important, with a need to move the service urgently, the potential supplier must be able to migrate the service quickly and seamlessly maintain the service to the user community.  With existing services already being delivered to Police forces, ANS were one of a very few organisations that had existing connectivity, cleared staff and accredited facilities to deliver such a service. So, based on ANS reputation for high quality service, and recommendations, the customer chose to reach out to ANS.

The solution

ANS utilised their ‘National eCloud’ infrastructure, providing a PSN connected private cloud environment into which the images of the required servers could be quickly and easily migrated.  Using VMware technology to replicate and transfer the virtual machines and the data into the ANS facilities. Creating a parallel service to the current operational system, ANS were able to fully test the service and verify the data integrity before connected the service to the PSN.

Before the new instance of the production system was built, a full backup of the virtual machines and the operational data was taken and stored within ANS’s secure facility, so should the worst happen with the current live service there was a restore point to recover to.

After understanding ANS’ capability and approach, the customer decided to take the next step and use ANS as the production site.

It was quickly recognised that ANS were not just a credible alternative and could guarantee the continuation of the service – but they were the best partner to deliver the service and provide the peace of mind the Home Office needed – not just now but for the long term.

The project took just 16 weeks from initial engagement to the achieved ‘go-live’ date, with the service availability being maintained throughout the process of the migration.

The Results

As a result of this project, the customer is now able to provide critical services to central government departments using their software that they developed and maintain with a managed cloud service provider. This provided their clients with a stable, assured, and accredited partner giving them the affirmation and stability of that service.

ANS are also providing a 2 year fully managed support service, delivered by SC cleared personnel 24/7. This assurance and level of service provides the customer, the Home Office, and the End User with increased confidence in the availability of this mission critical software; meaning the customer can focus on developing the software and services to meet the evolving needs of the user.

To make sure we are maintaining the best service, ANS provides quarterly solution reviews to ensure the service is always optimised and is continually meeting their needs.